Employees of the Month - March 2020

3rd April 2020

For 2020, we decided to reintroduce our "Employee of the Month" award, which includes amongst other factors, the individual votes of all of our staff. Dave T and Tom won the first two awards of the year in hard fought battles. 


This month though, we couldn't just award one member of staff, as we feel that everyone who is working through these testing times deserves a little piece of this award. So, with Easter coming up, we decided to celebrate the only way we know how - Social Distancing Easter Eggs!


We are very thankful for our amazing staff all year round, but they have really pulled together over the past couple of weeks, helping us continue to provide important items to the supply chain and see this as a little thank you to them for their hard work and perseverance!


We've included images of a few of our hardy crew below. We also have some spoil sports too, who don't like the thought of getting in photos, but we appreciate them just as much too!